I want you all to know about a great web site that Mom told me of a while back, and I have enjoyed immensely. I turn on the web and go to this site while I go into MS Word and write my journal or other things. It is called pandora.com. It is a personal radio station. You type in the name of an artist, music writer, etc., and it will design a station that plays only their music and others that are very similar. You can even go to the site and tell it not to repeat a given song if you do not like it. I have stations for Diana Krall, Tony Bennett, Michael Buble, Chris Botti, Nancy Wilson, and a general jazz station. I hear lots of other artists that are similar and some are really great, too. You all would enjoy it. And the list of musicians is almost endless.
Dad Clark
Welcome to the 21st century, Dad. I love Pandora. I have got a Rush station, a classical station, a Jesus Jones station, a Manhattan Transfer station, and several others. I love this site. I know Adam uses this site as well because he is the one that told me about it.
We've used it too, although not much recently. I like to use it around the holidays because you get a better selection of songs than the same old Jingle Bell Rock.
Yeah, Adam introduced me to this site a few years ago. I used to use it all the time (my favorite station was one I made for Keane), but the site is now blocked at work due to bandwidth issues. During the holidays, I made a station for Christmas classics and we really enjoyed streaming those songs.
We do the same thing during Christmas at work. Luckily, we have no bandwidth issues. One of the good things about working at an academic institution.
We have a lot of things blocked at work. I can't access YouTube at work, and I can't even see the background graphics I use for our jessnjen blog because those pics are hosted on Photobucket, a site blocked by our firewall.
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