Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Heavy on the Alien side.

Jason and I just saw the new Indiana Jones movie last Thursday night. I was so excited to go see this movie for several reasons.

1. I loved the first three movies and figured the fourth one would be great as well
2. I consider Harrison Ford to be a great actor
3. I read reviews on the movie and all seemed good.

Jason and I only see movies in the theatre once a year if that, because of the expense mostly and usually the movies we want to see are great for the whole family so we just wait for DVD. This one is the one we both agreed on to see for our "movie of the year".

I couldn't wait to see this movie. Somewhat disappointing as it turned out. Although the stunts were great and surprising that Harrison did all his own stunts at his age, he is in great shape, or so he seems to be, the movie was so centered around aliens and ended as such. I would not recommend this movie in the theatre. Save your money for DVD and even so it's not that great.

Has anyone else seen it and what do you think?


Team Clark said...

You are the first person to say anything about it and I can't believe it, either. Aliens - seriously? What do aliens have to do with Indiana Jones? Thanks for the tip!

chelsey said...

I read Lance and Nancy's blog today and she said the same thing. She said it was also too much alien stuff. My neighbor went to see it also this last weekend and said to wait for the DVD. He didn't like it much either.

Papa Doc said...

Thanks for the heads-up. I hate sci-fi and if there are aliens in this thing, that's enough to turn me off. The snakes in an earlier Indiana Jones episode was almost enough to make me never watch another one.