First and foremost...Congrats to Adrianne and Mike. He is a fine looking alien child...hehe just kidding, I'm sure he will fit in on earth just fine. Hope you are all doing well.
Secondly, If you want, you can check out my old blog ( as I have posted about my new personal challenge to eliminate bad words from my used vocabulary. Thanks for the nice comments and thoughts on my new blog ( I have a new post there. I really want to keep my blogs going - for lots of reasons, so please bug me about them if I slack.
Thirdly, and last...we are now 14 games in and the Royals STILL have a WINNING record. Watch out, this is kind of like animals acting weird before a disaster. Boy I hope it keeps going! It gets tiring to have people think I wear their hat for gang-related reasons. they can't imagine another reason...sigh...sometimes I can't either.
Be good.
That's hilarious! Why are you a royals fan anyway? What got you started on that team? We've never lived in Kasas City so I can't see another reason why you'd actually like them. I guess once a fan, always a fan right?
I can answer your question for Adam. When we lived in Nebraska, the Royals were only three hours away and we attended many fun games down there while the Royals had a winning record and great team. We were there when Mark McQuire played - pine tar bats and all. We all loved them. Except maybe Jason, who for some random reason has picked the Angels to be his team. I would have thought it would be worse wearing one of their hats than the Royals -- they have rarely been a winning team except I think they have been a little better the past few years.
Anyway, we have lots of good memories connected to the Royals.
It was not Mark McQuire, it was George Brett. He is the Royal man, McQuire was the man at the Oakland team a long time ago.
Dad Clark
George Brett has always been my hero. The year he won the batting title with an average of .379 (which is amazing), I hit the same percentage and got the 'Mr. Stick' award. fun stuff.
By the way, i re-set the permissions on my clarksystems blog and you should be able to access it now.
That's right -- George Brett and the pine tar incident. However, didn't Mark McQuire play with the Royals and then retired from there? I guess I'm confused.
Mark McGwire played for the Oakland A's and the St. Louis Cardinals.
The Angels rock! They beat the crap out of the Yankees in the World Series just four years ago. I will actually root for whoever is playing the Yankees.
The only World Series the Angels won was in 2002 and unfortunately it was the Giants that they beat. Darn it. We were so close...
Oh, and I agree about the Yankees thing. I will definitely root for whoever is playing against them. I still can't believe Johnny Damon would go to them after playing with the Red Sox!
Jen - you are a man's dream. Jess must feel so happy that out of every guy on the planet he was the one who got you!
I said that last comment by the way...(don't think that it was Adam and feel weird)
Yes, I do feel that way...about both your comments, Amy.
We track our baseball and know that the Angels and Yankees will never meet in the World Series, silly Jason. It's that American League thing...
Yes, Jen, you are right. I meant the AL championship (that the Angels swept four games to none). And the Angels did go on to win the World Series. For some reason I had it in my head that it was 2004 instead of 2002. I have too many dates, names, places, and other pieces of useless trivia to keep it all straight these days. However, I will take that American League thing any day over that National League (is there anybody in the National League?) thing. Thanks for the correction, Jen.
Yeah, sorry for "straining at a gnat while swallowing a camel", but both Jen and I are keenly aware of the last time the Angels won the World Series. The Giants were 5 outs away from winning and then completely choked. That dang rally monkey did us in and the Angels prevailed.
That was the beginning of the end for us.
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