Sadie Hawkins (the May dance and the last one of the year) is comming up. I am asking this boy named Carlos Garcia. The only problem is I DON'T KNOW HOW I AM GOING TO ASK HIM!!! That's where you come in... I need the special forces of a female mind but I guess if you male minds can come up with something then that's okay. I need to do it soon too because the dance is on May 10th.
Take him a cantaloupe and make a sign that says "Since we can't elope, will you at least go to Sadie Hawkins with me?" -Jess (if it's a bad idea, remember that this is a male mind here)
Here's a website.
Hopefully there's a good one in there for you!
Hmmm, It didn't post the whole link because it's too long. I'm putting a space between mormons/ and the rest of it (so it'll wrap it to the next line) so just know that have to delete a space when you copy it dating/creative_ways_dance.html
Sorry, Katie - I didn't grow up in the whole "creative" dating atmosphere and so I don't have a single idea for you. Good luck, though!
Jason filled up a bunch of ballons and put notes in them and also put shaving cream in them so when I broke the ballons they made a mess. However i figured that out with the first one and then opened the balloons very carefully for the rest, then I put the message together.
I asked him to a dance once by putting spots all over his room and the phrase on the wall said, "I've spotted you, will you go to the dance with me?"
I've also put footprints along a long path with chocolate kisses on them, and then the sign said, "Now that I've kissed the ground you walk on, will you go to the dance?"
I received a box of chocolates once with messages under each one.
I have made cookies in the shape of YES as an answer
Thanks guys! This helps a lot!
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