Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Mitt Romney

Mitt Romney came to UI today and spoke on healthcare. My boss made it over in between surgeries to listen to the talk and because he was the only one in scrubs and a white coat, Romney picked him out and asked him a question about healthcare. If you want to read more about the speech (and to see what my boss had to say), go to the side bar and click on the University of Iowa. One of the news items is regarding Romney's speech. It was a little ironic that of all the people in the room, Romney (a former stake president) picked on a member of our stake presidency. He is not as good a speaker as Obama but he is more substantial. Instead of just spouting platitudes he actually laid out some ideas. Since he came during Thanksgiving break, the speech was not as well attended as Obama's was a couple of months ago but there was still a good number of people in attendance. It felt a little like stake conference with all the wards in Iowa City represented.

I hope all of you have a wonderful Thanksgiving. Michelle put out a blanket email invitation to everybody to feel free to join us this holiday season if your travels take you this way. However, she said that she couldn't find Lindsey or Jess' email address. You two weren't left out on purpose. Please send us your email addresses when you can.



Mike and Adrianne said...

We are excited to have our first Thanksgiving on our own this year. Mike is leaving on Monday so we want to spend as much time together as a family as possible. Also, he will be back the week before Christmas so we are also going to spend our first Christmas together. Thanks for the invite. Maybe we will come another time. Or, you are always welcome to our house.

Michelle said...

I also don't have Lance or Gillian's e-mail addresses.

Jess and Jen said...

I still get the Pampered Chef newsletter, so my email is sitting there somewhere in your email program.


Jason said...

It's probably hidden in amongst the 700 other people who get the newsletter also. Oh, did I say that out loud?

Michelle said...

Hi Jess,

Your e-mail address along with Lindsey's e-mail address was on our family computer, but not on my personal computer which is why I couldn't find it.

If you would like me to take you off the Pampered Chef newsletter, I'd be glad to.

Jess and Jen said...

Oh no, I don't mind getting the newsletters. While I won't be hosting any shows anytime soon, the newsletters are entertaining.
