Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Great Day

A good day today: the weather is gorgeous! About 75 degrees and a stiff wind from the south. I decided to take the afternoon off and hit the golf course with a guy that attends my Gospel Principles class. He beat me by one stroke: 48 to 49. Unless I'm golfing with Adam, Lance, or Dave, the high 40's has been pretty typical for me. When I golf with my bros., you can automatically add 10 strokes to my score.

On a even better note, Abby scored her first soccer goal ever yesterday! Where was I? At home with a sleeping Lauren. I missed it! In the last few games, Abby seems to have caught on a little bit and become more aggressive. It took me 21 years to find any athletic aggression, so props to Abby.


Papa Doc said...

Congratulatons to Abby! I have never scored a soccor goal, but now I have granchildren who do. How cool. I remember going to a soccor game for Sarah and Geoff. It was cool. Looks like Abby's day is coming.

And Jess, I like you the way you are. You do not have to be a competative ape to make me happy.

So why do you loose ten strokes when you play with Adam and Lance?

Dad Clark

Papa Doc said...

You go, girl! BYU will be waiting for you to come down here and play on their awesome squad.