Monday, July 10, 2006

Two random thoughts

I have two random thoughts today:

I had the glorious opportunity of watching my 1993 Nissan Sentra pass the 123,456 mile mark on the odometer recently. I was so excited to see something like this, but I had no camera to document it. Sadly, my Sentra is the only one still running with this many miles on it as my Google search came up fruitless:

My second random thought: I've had dry elbows for as long as dad's said "clicker" instead of "remote control." After spending a week in California on the beach (and in the water), they were healed. On my drive home to Utah, Jen and I devised a plan to help my elbows remain "crack free" -- basically, copious amounts of lotion. You see, I already applied lotion to my elbows every day, but it wasn't solving the problem. Now, with healed elbows, the lotion I apply every day keeps them healed.

Obviously I'm comfortable with my manhood, as I am okay with reading about my brother Jason reporting on his first triathalon and I'm reporting on my lotion application.


Mike and Adrianne said...

Jess, I think you should try Aquaphor. That stuff is some thick crap that truly works wonders. What I don't understand is how I am the one in our relationship that lathers myself with lotion daily and Mike is repulsed by the idea of lotion even touching him. Yet, he is the one with the constantly smooth skin. It's not fair.

And about your google search--you have inspired me. I am always trying to think of interesting things to search for on google but instead, only search boring things. Now, I see I can search anything and almost always find something.

Papa Doc said...

Jess, you're just plain weird.

Jason said...

Jess, you are a little odd. You may even be approaching the Lance level of weird. But, on the topic of lotion, you ought to try bag balm. Unfortunately, bag balm is not lightly scented with lavender, nor will you enjoy the soft smell of summer peach. Instead you will be reminded that bag balm belongs in the barn. The industrial smell aside, bag balm does wonders for dry skin. By the way, Adrianne, I am sure Mike will be pleased that we all now know that he has smooth, baby soft skin. And here I thought the military was supposed to toughen a person up.

Mike and Adrianne said...

He says his secret is to wear socks all the time! You should try it--I'm sure Michelle would like to feel your feet much more often.

Jess and Jen said...

Um...the secret to healing dry elbows is to wear socks all the time? Send pictures, please.

I always wear socks (over my feet) so as not to scare off the kiddies.

Jason, why is it called bag balm? Please, provide details. I'd prefer the Balm of Gilead. Won't that heal all?

Mike and Adrianne said...

Ha ha, that's funny. Yes, Mike wears long socks on his elbows.

Mike and Adrianne said...

oh, and bag balm is for cows udders.

Jason said...

Balm of Gilead? I think it is probably more like a Bomb in Gilead these days.

I am not sure why it is called bag balm, Jess. Maybe because it helps soothe those dry, cracked, nipples? It keeps those milk cows from being udderly miserable. I know, that was an utterly miserable pun.

Kaitlin Lanham said...

I have to say that I agree with mom and dad. You all are so weird athat you must be way past the weirdness level of Lance, and that's saying something.

Papa Doc said...

After reading the comments I have this to offer. I am Dad, by the way.

I have used bag balm for years. I learned to use it from Grandpa Teichert. We used it on the "bags" of cows of all things. It works great, and I have a small container right now in Ammon's bedroom. He gets it on his lips from me. Mother cannot bring herself to use the stuff, but then she does not complain when Ammon seems to be okay. Maybe she does not know how I use it.

And what is this Lance stuff? He is very funny. He almost lost it on his mission, but it is coming back. He was really a fun guy before his mission. If that is weird, then let it be. I want to be that weird. But then there are different kinds, and I have been accused of several myself. I don't think any of my kinds have been of the good Lance kind, however. See you later.
