Sunglasses Action. Kaitlin and I made a trip to the dollar store and got new sunglasses today :) Sorry the picture is dark, the video camera only has OK lighting if its outside... :( (hint, I want a digital camera for christmas, then maybe I could take cool pictures and do graphic design stuff with them! huh? yea... )

We didnt even mean to match today, I promise we really didnt! (I got dressed first... and she is wearing my shirt.)

We had to add this funny picture because this face that I am making is my TRADEMARK. I do it in every funny picture. True Story.

Since some of you havent seen my new hair cut, here it is. I need another one! Its sad that Kaitlin has longer hair than mine.

Kaitlin sure is growing up, she looks really old in this picture!
Who's the mother of these two cute girls???
you da mamma chika... We went into maceys today to get some candy for her friends birthday present and we went and said hi to John and he was like oh my gosh, you guys look like twins... and then we saw my managers and she said it like 3 times, you guys look so much alike! and I usually dont think that, but today we look alot alike for some reason.
Wow Katy. You look all grown up. Are you sure this is Kaitlin and not one of Gillian's friends pretending to be Kaitlin?
You two are a little too good looking not to have your big brothers living next door. Caleb didn't even recognize Katy. Caleb is nearly as unrecognizable. He is now taller than Michelle and his feet are only 1/2 size smaller than mine. He is also starting to get pimples. Life is about to get very tramatic for him.
maybe when I get straight teeth next month I will be happier with my appearance..
hey!!!! i don't think i look like gillian at all.... oh and jason.... tell caleb that that is totaly unfair that he is tall ok... every one get that? i hate being short!!!!! im so small almost every where i go!!!! Tell him that he is lucky!!! heehee
love ya tons... xoxoxo
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