Remember that post about June sex we had last March? Well, the bug bit us.
We're due in March. The only reason I'm telling you this this early is because Jen's sick sick sick. She spent about four hours in the hospital today with an IV in her arm in an effort to rehydrate her anorexic body. Why was she so dehydrated? She puked, barfed, and threw up 12 times in 24 hours yesterday. It was a bad day. I dropped her and the girls off at Marcie's house this morning and while I went to work, they went to the hospital while Liza watched the kids.
I think the contract I attempted to get her to sign during Leah's pregnancy (the one that says "I, Jenifer Clark, agree to never have another child, nor to ever tempt Jess with unprotected sex.") will not be a problem this time. I know, you all want us to have 20 kids like Jason and Dad, but that just physically doesn't work out for us.
We are taking donations.
This is unbelievable. So great to have a baby, but I know how hard it is, especially for some. We hope that Jen will soon get over her sickness. We will pray for her each night. We do that for others even now. We are happy for you.
Dad and Mom
Congratulations! I hope Jen feels better. Personally, I don't care how many children you have. The Lord might, but that is between you and him. Don't forget to ask. I wish we were closer (or you were closer) so that we could help out.
CONGRATULATIONS! Brent and I were just wondering when you two would catch up to us! Now I feel bad that we had you watch our 3 last Saturday! JEN- please call me if I can take the girls for you. I'm not that far away. Heck, we could probably sign Abby up for swimming lessons with us next week and I could take her with us! Seriously though, I'm not that far away and would be happy to take them anytime. Hang in there okay?
I was laying in bed last night and remembered someone telling me Jen wasn't feling well and then I thought about how it is July and wondered to myself if you had had June sex. I was so excited to find out you had! And now I am very sad for you and Jen that she is sick. I wish I could be there to take care of your girls just like you were there to watch Will when I was sick.
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