Friday, July 07, 2006

Golfin' with the bros

Brent, Adam, Lance, and I visited Murray Parkway Golf Course tonight. We had a 6:08 tee time and had a great time. I enjoy golfing after work like that because by the middle of our round, the course empties out. This course provides an excellent view of the Wasatch Front and is absolutely gorgeous at sunset.

Lance came out the big winner of the course, with Adam coming in second. Lance beat me by 7 strokes and hit the ball consistently well all night and looked really good. Looks like we've all got some work to do to keep up with the young guys. I'm sure Dave will come back in a year and do better than us.

I'm excited to do this again in a month, but this time down in Utah County. Lance and/or Adam, start making plans! Jason, Mike, and Hans: you are all welcome to make golf plans as well. Just make sure they're in Utah and we'll all play together.

1 comment:

Papa Doc said...

Cood for Lance. The bunch of you are all so good in so many things. It is cool to see old Lance beat you all. He is great in other ways, too. Better look out.
