Monday, July 24, 2006

Geograpy quiz #2

Can anyone guess what is represented here? What clues can you gather from the imagery to help you answer this question? A bonus point will be awarded to the person who guesses not only what, but where this picture is a representation of. Note for Kaitlin and Brent...I didn't name the jpeg with the location this time so you can't cheat (well, was it really cheating? or simply being resourceful?).


Anonymous said...

I was going to say the Provo Mall because it has the star looking like thing, but there are no churches so it cant be that because by that mall, there are 3 churches!

Team Clark said...

Wow Gillian - nice job. It actually is the Provo Towncenter Mall. That is I-15 to the left (one of the few places in Utah where I-15 is going at an angle through a city. Also, the excellent observation of the star shape Gillian.

You were right about the churches, but if you look closely, the picture doesn't cover wide enough to show if there are churches nearby.

Other clues are:
The winding road around the exterior
The west entrance from 500 West up to the cinema area
The Freedom blvd entrance on the North
the two empty lots (not so empty now) on the East - they were empty for a long time
and lastly, the recognizable entrances on the East, especially the southernmost one which is right next to the hotel (see the pool?) and leads to Home depot, which you can barely see at the bottom.

Fun one.


Anonymous said...

oh man! I deserve a treat for that! Jess.. you owe me:) haha actually, not really because I wasnt even sure, that was just my guess. What threw me off was the swimming pool to the right, I couldnt think of what pool that was, but now i realize that it is the hotel one. cool!

Jess and Jen said...

Well done, kiddies. I figured Adam would be able to get this one pretty quickly. I didn't expect Gillian to get it so fast, though. I made a special effort to zoom in just enough to exclude the churches, as both you noticed. I thought this one was easier than the church one. Agreed?

Adam, you should zoom to somewhere in GE or something and do a screen grab for a quiz next time. Keep in in the lower 48 so we have a legitimate chance at guessing.

Papa Doc said...

Well, why would anyone be surprised that Gillian would guess the mall? That's kind of like her second home!