Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Alyssa's already 7!

On 7-25-99 a miracle happened. A girl was born to the Clark family. No one thought this was possible. But it did happen and she is all girl. She loves wearing bracelets and dresses, getting her hair done, playing with kitty's, playing barbies, reading Mary Kate and Ashley books, and most of all loves wearing Pink every day. If it's not pink it doesn't go on her body.

Can you believe it? She's 7 already. As of 7-25-06

She wanted a completely pink birthday. So the cake is pink, presents are all pink and she's wearing pink. She's growing up fast.

This is a picture of her opening some "Girl Clothes" as she puts it. She was extremely excited. "The boys can't share them" she told me. They take all her toys and hide them or destroy them, but her clothes are just hers.


chelsey said...

Happy birthday (belated I guess)! Sarah kinda likes being the only girl around here too. There's power in that I guess. Is she going into 2nd grade? I forgot how close she and Geoff are in age. Geoff will be 8 in December.
I hope you all had a great birthday celebration!

Mike and Adrianne said...

Happy Birthday Alyssa!! I'm glad you got some girl clothes that your bothers won't take from you. What a pain it must be to grow up will all brothers! :) I hope you had a wonderful day!!

Papa Doc said...

What a beautiful little girl you have turned out to be!! Congratulations and I hope you had a wonderful birthday. You and Gillian need to get together because pink is her favorite color, too. She even has a pink bedroom.
Wish you lived closer so we could watch you grow up.
We love you anyway.
Grandma & Grandpa Clark